The Apple iPhone 4S

The Apple iPhone 4S - The rumors about the release date of iPhone 5 are all over the internet and all iPhone world is eagerly waiting to welcome its next generation marvel “The iPhone 5”. So far no concrete news is available about the release date however according to Foxconn Apple iPhone 5 will put Samsung Galaxy S III to shame. The Smartphone war is definitely on between Apple’s iPhones and Samsungs Galaxy series.

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 - Samsung has truly lived up to its tag line “Next is what “with the introduction of Samsung Galaxy S3, I am completely bowled over and force to think “ Next is what “. Samsung is always known for best android phones in budget range, from low cost Samsung music hero to higher end Samsung Galaxy S3. I have not found the touch screen quality in other brands which Samsung is offering.

Nokia vs. Apple

Nokia vs. Apple - In October 2009, Finnish handset maker Nokia Corp sued Apple Inc in U.S. District Court in Delaware over alleged infringement of its wireless standards. T he iPhone maker countersued and kept the two embroiled in litigation for a year and a half.

Apple vs. Android

Apple vs. Android - Apple initiated the war against Android in March 2010 when it sued Taiwan's HTC Corp over 20 patents dealing with user interface and its operating system. Along with its federal lawsuit, Apple filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission, again targeting the Android software behind HTC's Smartphone.

Microsoft vs. Android

Microsoft vs. Android - Microsoft Corp filed an International Trade Commission complaint against Motorola in October 2010 for infringing nine patents. Motorola responded the next month with its own ITC complaint against Microsoft for infringing 16 patents.

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